It's no question that we are complex and multifaceted Beings.
We all have things that trigger us. Things that we may feel ashamed about. Parts of us that we are still trying to forgive. Parts of us that we are fiercely protecting. Things that worry us about the future. Fears that may sometimes feel all-consuming. Things that we are holding on to because letting go is too difficult at this moment in time.
So many things shape our identity! Our cultures, the media, hobbies, careers, life experiences, trauma, society, family, friends, and lovers. Hell, some of us may even identify with mistakes from our past (unfairly). There are parts of us that we don't give permission to take up space; for so many reasons…
But we must explore the different parts of our mind, body and soul to gain insight on who we are holistically.
It's how we begin to understand our behaviors and emotions because they're interconnected. The different aspects of our personality make up our inner experience.
We can reflect and speak to all of our parts with curiosity and compassion. This process allows us to heal our wounds from the past.
All of our parts are important.
I want this project to provide a safe space for those parts, and your inner experience, to be heard and seen. Please share with me below what you'd like to express.
All submissions will be used in a social media project entitled ‘Shapes Of You’ curated by Tiraj Johnson-Garay. I will be creating reels where I put together a custom-made tangram-like puzzle revealing your anonymous message. By submitting, you are consenting to the anonymous participation of this project. Thank you for your vulnerability!